The motivation

As many researcher in mathematics, I open arXiv daily to check on the latest articles on my field. And like many of them, I find arXiv’s interface slightly underwhelming. I like to be able to see the abstract and to be able to navigate through those articles a bit faster.

The script

There are several projects aiming to improve arXiv’s functionality (e.g arxiv-sanity and arXivist). However, I wanted a bit more of flexibility to be able to integrate to my workflow with (n)vim. So I wrote this little python script that checks on the today’s arXiv.

It uses fzf (and its implementation in python pyfzf) to let you select the multiple articles from today’s arXiv RSS, read the abstract. You can easily modify the script to change the area you are following.

Once the script is running, enter your query to filter today’s article, press TAB to select each articles of your interest, then press ENTER to open all the selected articles. Besides opening the articles on your browser, the script also saves the information of all articles you opened via this script in a file ~/.arxiv-history, which I use together with vim-fzf and vim-UltiSnips for easy reference it in my notes.
